Yearly Events

Yearly Events Happening in and around Poulsbo
Art Walks 2nd Saturday each month, year round - 5 - 8 pm
Norwegian Lunch Buffet Wednesdays 11-2 Sons of Norway - call for updates
Poulsbo Maritime Museum Daily 10-4 pm - Call for hours
SEA Discovery Center Open Fridays and Saturdays from 11 am - 4 pm
Poulsbo Yacht Club Sail Camps Six 1-week sail camps in July & August
Midsommer Fest 3rd Saturday in June
Fireworks on the Fjord July 3rd, Liberty Bay, Cancelled indefinitely
Concerts by the Bay Tuesdays 6:30, July & August, Waterfront Pavilion
Poulsbo Arts Festival Third weekend in August. August 18 - 20, 2023
Maritime Museum's Poulsbo Boat Rendezvous AKA Liberty Bay Festival Last weekend in August. August 25 - 27, 2023
Meet Father Christmas Free Photo Opportunities
Free photo opportunities. Nov 25 & 26, 11 - 3, Nov 27, 12 - 3. Saturdays in December thru 12/24 11 - 3, Sundays in December thru 12/18, 12 - 3,. Christmas Eve, 11 - 2. Bring your camera and take your own photos with our Nordic Father Christmas. There will be no sitting on Santa's lap, but he is available to talk to outside his house. There will be chairs outside his house to sit on so photos can be taken safely,
Post Letters to Santa mailbox outside his house. Replies will be sent with return addresses.
Tree Lighting Ceremony - November 26, starting At 5:15 a procession will begin from Poulsbo Parks & Rec to the waterfront park with Santa, followed by the lighting of the tree, photos with Santa, live performances, cookie decorating and more!
Shop Small Saturday - November 26th - Shop and Support small independent businesses by shopping local.
Photo Ops with Holiday Celebrities Saturdays between 11 - 3 pm. Take photos with the Poulsbo Sons of Norway Vikings & the Snow Queen.
Jule Fest & Nordic Market December 3rd, 2022 at the Sons of Norway. 10-am - 4 pm
Visit Sons of Norway for Julefest on Liberty Bay. From 10-4pm, experience Taste of Norway street food with pølser with Norwegian mustard, lefse, pea soup, pickled herring, cookies and rømmegrøt; the Nordic Market with Scandinavian vendors, demonstrations and silent auction.
At dusk, the Lucia Bride will be escorted in the Viking boat by the Nordic sea rovers carrying lighted torches to the fire pit in Waterfront Park. There, Lucia will light the jule log to start the traditional bonfire. The evening culminates in the reading of the Winter Proclamation, as this is the time of year the short days end and the earth turns toward longer days, leading to spring.
Tuba Christmas Free Concert December 10th, 3 - 4 pm, Waterfront Pavilion
Poulsbo Yacht Club Lighted Ships Parade December 10, 2022.
Lighted Ships Parade, Bonfire & Caroling
Starts about 5 pm Downtown Waterfront Park
Join us for a Bonfire hosted by Crossroads Rotary, Caroling w/ Emerald Heights Elem. choir & Lighted Ships from Poulsbo Yacht Club. Free cookies!
🎅🏼 53rd Annual PYC Lighted Ships Parade! And if you know some good little kiddos who will be up to watch the parade, you can add their name to the Santa shout outs as Santa makes his way along the parade route. ↣ click here to SEND A SANTA GREETING REQUEST
Frosty Fest Weekend - February 9, 10 & 11, 2024